I can’t move on

I can’t move on

Spoken word poetry delivered at the Black Lives Matter Perth rally 2016.

This piece talks about white privilege and antiblackness.

I can't move on.
I've been placed on a path full of obstacles just because I am black;
While yours has been straight and clear from as long as I can keep track.

I cannot move on,
I have tried,
jumped the logs,
got bruised,
battled the thorns,
got scratched,
attacked by beasts on the way,
While you smile at me and pretend my path ain't so grey.

I cannot move further,
I tried,
I am tired.

You might not have personally put the obstacles on my way,
You might really wish I make it eventually, for us together to play.
Because we are "friends" and “neighbours” or your cousin is marrying my sister...

But I might not get there like you do.
I can't move on and you aren't helping me to.

How can you help if you don’t even see the obstacles?
And you expect my pains and memories to be all washable?
When you say “we both are equal",
"Look! We both have a path!"
When you say “stop whining”, “move on..."

Have you really not seen me pushing my way through all this time?
I swear to you, I’ve been pushing all along.
Haven’t you seen them blood stains all around?
You were too busy enjoying your journey on that solid ground.

But here I am,
Over it.

I am sorry but I cannot just move on.

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